
Gravilux color images
Gravilux color images

gravilux color images gravilux color images

"Apps like Gravilux awaken an 'Avatar'-like sensitivity to electricity in the body, power in the palms and general connectedness." -NY Times Gravilux was first released as a work of interactive art by Scott Snibbe that was only available in galleries and museums that became a best-selling hit on other mobile platforms and inspired Björk to work with him and his studio on the first App Album: Biophilia. Multiple fingers and multiple people can touch the screen at once, collaborating or competing. You can change parameters including gravity and number of stars, and enable antigravity and color. You can color the stars by their speed, and make them dance to the music from your play list. Sorry for the quality of my recorded voices again and Im not very good in English. You can tease and twist the particles into galaxies, or explode them like a supernova. Stick to pure black and white and focus on movement as the early abstract animation pioneers Oskar Fischinger and Len Lye. My second video tutorial using Gravit Designer. with a generalized kernel-based filter, and his Gravilux. As you touch the screen, gravity draws simulated stars to your fingertips. of performance instruments for abstract imagery and color-music. Gravilux is an interactive musical starfield visualizer: it’s a combination of music, animation, art, and science.

Gravilux color images